Minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship
Penn Engineering offers a Minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship (EENT), complementing the core engineering disciplines. This Minor is designed for students majoring in engineering and applied science. However, it is open to all University undergraduates subject to available class space. Non-engineering students should check with their home schools to determine their eligibility to take the EENT Minor. All courses for the EENT Minor must be taken for a grade (no Pass/Fail). Successful completion of EAS 5450 is a prerequisite to EAS 5460 or EAS 5490.
**For current Pass/Fail grade information please see the SEAS website**
Six courses are required for a Minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship, comprised of the following:
Required (2 CU):
- EAS 5450 Engineering Entrepreneurship I: Fundamentals of high-tech ventures
- EAS 5460 Engineering Entrepreneurship II: High-tech business planning
- EAS 5490 Engineering Entrepreneurship Lab may be taken as an alternative to EAS 5460
EAS 5410 & 5430 Entrepreneurship Fellows Program: Immersive high-tech ventures experience. This sequence is an alternative to EAS 5450 & EAS 5460.
Electives (4 CU):
- BE 3700/4720: Medical Device Development
- BE 4700: Medical Devices
- BE 5020: From Laboratory to Marketplace
- BE 5140/IPD 5040: Rehabilitation Engineering and Design
- BE 5150: Bioengineering Case Studies
- BE 6080: Translational Therapeutics
- CBE 4000: Introduction to Product and Process Design
- CBE 4590: Product and Process Design Projects
- CBE/BE 5620: Drug Discovery & Development
- EAS 2030 Engineering Ethics or LGST 1000 Ethics & Social Resp. or EAS/BE 3030 Ethics and Social Responsibility for Engineers OR HSOC 1010 Biomedical Ethics OR HSOC 1002 Bioethics OR PHIL 0720
- EAS5070: Intellectual Property and Business Law for Engineers
- EAS 5120: Engineering Negotiations
- EAS 5490: Engineering Entrepreneurship Lab
- EAS 5950: Foundations of Leadership
- ENGR 1400: Robotics and Rehabilitation
- ESE 4000/5400: Engineering Economics
- ESE 4440/5440: Project Management
- ESE 5430: Human Systems Engineering
- FNCE 2500: Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation
- HCMG 2150/8630: Management and Economics of Pharmaceutical Biotech Industries
- HCMG 3910/8670: Healthcare Entrepreneurship*
- IPD 5090: Needfinding
- IPD 5720 Design Thinking
- LAW 5070: Introduction to Intellectual Property Law and Policy or LAW 6770 Patent Law
- LAWM 5280 Intro to General Business Law
- LGST/OIDD 2220: Internet Law
- MEAM 4150/OPIM 4150/IPD 5150 Product Design
- MEAM 5140/IPD 5140 Design for Manufacturability
- MGMT 2380: Organizational Behavior
- MGMT 2640: Venture Capital and Entrepreneurial Management
- MGMT 2670: Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation*
- MKTG 227:Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce*
- MKTG 2410: or MKTG 7410: Entrepreneurial Marketing*
- NETS 1120: Networked Life
- OIDD 2360: Scaling Technology Ventures
- OIDD 3140: Enabling Technologies
- OIDD 6590: Advanced Topics & Methods for Product Design
- NURS 3570/5730 Innovation in Health: Foundations of Design Thinking
- NURS 5530: Innovation & Applied Technology in Health Care*
- REG 6120: Introduction to Drug Development
- VIPR 1200 & VIPR 1210: Must take both courses for 1 cu
* The below courses are .5CU. Students must take two (2) of the below to get 1CU towards the minor
- MGMT 2670 Entrepreneurship and Technological Innovation
- MKTG 2270 Digital Marketing and Electronic Commerce
- MKTG 2410/7410 Entrepreneurial Marketing
- NURS 5530 Innovation & Applied Technology in Health Care
- HCMG 8670 Health Care Entrepreneurship
To apply: Please apply via Path@Penn forms and fill out the “Declare/Update Field of Study” form. Your request will be processed in 2-3 business days.
Requirements: Engineering minors consist of at least 6 course units, all of which must be taken for a grade. No more than two courses in the engineering minor may be double counted with courses specified on the student’s Course Planning Guide. Check with your advisor and major department undergraduate coordinator to ensure the Engineering Entrepreneurship minor fits with your intended major(s).
Inquiries: Contact the Engineering Entrepreneurship program: entrep@seas.upenn.edu